Authoritative blog
= valuable

One thing's for sure: trusting what you read online about revenue management can be risky if

you don't know

which sources are safe.

you don't know which sources are safe.

You can trust this blog: Franco Grasso, the founder of the Franco Grasso Group, has authored 3 books on Revenue Management, which are used today as university textbooks. What’s more, thanks to his working method, we have over 2,500 satisfied customers (read real reviews on Hotel Tech Report and Trustpilot). The success of the Franco Grasso Group is rooted in the information we share in these articles.

You can trust us, Revolution Plus and what we write here. Simple.

In-house selling and average spending

That is, how to better sell ancillary services to the hotel’s clients, such as café, restaurant or wellness centre. It can lead to excellent results, provided that…

Communicating efficiently in the hotel

Communicating efficiently in our hotel is not as obvious as it may seem. here are some suggestions on how to do it, focusing on the objectives you have set for yourself.

Revenue management in outsourcing: why it is a good thing

Practicing revenue management in outsourcing means relying on someone who can relieve the hotelier from problems related to everyday operations and thus allow him to devote himself to improving his own hotel services.

Interview with a hotelier

What happens when we meet for the very first time a hotelier who has to decide wether to rely or not on our revenue consulting? Step by step we tell you the doubts and puzzlement that most of our interlocutors have in common…