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You can trust this blog: Franco Grasso, the founder of the Franco Grasso Group, has authored 3 books on Revenue Management, which are used today as university textbooks. What’s more, thanks to his working method, we have over 2,500 satisfied customers (read real reviews on Hotel Tech Report and Trustpilot). The success of the Franco Grasso Group is rooted in the information we share in these articles.

You can trust us, Revolution Plus and what we write here. Simple.

Italy (and Europe) hotel results in June

Results were certainly positive, especially in light of all the prevailing handicaps at the onset, which resulted in many hoteliers having very low expectations.

Italy hotel performances after lockdown

This pandemic has certainly jolted the world of tourism and hospitality, but the virus has not destroyed tourist demand and people’s desire to travel.

High price = quality? A “tall tale”

High prices do not always equate quality, it is time to dispel this belief. Quality does not determine price, and neither does the hotelier, but only the customer, today more than ever.