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= valuable

One thing's for sure: trusting what you read online about revenue management can be risky if

you don't know

which sources are safe.

you don't know which sources are safe.

You can trust this blog: Franco Grasso, the founder of the Franco Grasso Group, has authored 3 books on Revenue Management, which are used today as university textbooks. What’s more, thanks to his working method, we have over 2,500 satisfied customers (read real reviews on Hotel Tech Report and Trustpilot). The success of the Franco Grasso Group is rooted in the information we share in these articles.

You can trust us, Revolution Plus and what we write here. Simple.

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The essential overview of hotel dynamic pricing (price tags)

Smart hoteliers view revenue management as a strategic way to improve profits. One component is “dynamic pricing.” You’re familiar with this model when considering your rack rate vs. your bottom prices. Those bottom prices may not cover much more than your costs, but they impact your rack rate months away when you can see higher profits. You’ll see below how this works.