Authoritative blog
= valuable

One thing's for sure: trusting what you read online about revenue management can be risky if

you don't know

which sources are safe.

you don't know which sources are safe.

You can trust this blog: Franco Grasso, the founder of the Franco Grasso Group, has authored 3 books on Revenue Management, which are used today as university textbooks. What’s more, thanks to his working method, we have over 2,500 satisfied customers (read real reviews on Hotel Tech Report and Trustpilot). The success of the Franco Grasso Group is rooted in the information we share in these articles.

You can trust us, Revolution Plus and what we write here. Simple.

High season rates: rooms do not sell themselves

It’s all well and good to say: during high season rooms sell themselves. In reality, behind certain statements there is quite a lot of shallowness. If due precautions are not taken, one may well fall into a trap.

REVPAR: when empty hotel rooms “go to waste”

Those who wish to improve the performance of their facility must be mindful of the REVPAR. Market analysis should be done as a whole; however, in many cases, this is done only partially.

Revenue Team: who are “they”?

The answer is simple: a tight-knit team with a passion for Revenue Management coursing through its veins, a group that provides assistance 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. See for yourself!

How to measure a hotel’s profitability

Various factors should be taken into account; for the Franco Grasso Revenue Team, the ideal index is ROS (Return on Sales), that is, the average profit margin.